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Raspberry Pi MQTT Broker (Mosquitto)

Raspberry Pi MQTT Broker (Mosquitto)

What is Mosquitto?

Mosquitto is an open source (EPL/EDL licensed) message broker that implements the MQTT protocol versions 3.1 and 3.1.1. MQTT.

Broker , Publisher , Subscriber

How to Install?

Update your Raspberry pi First.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Install mosquitto developer api library

sudo apt-get install libmosquitto-dev

Install mosquitto

sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients

How to Test?

After installation Mosquitto will be automatically started. To test, install the MQTT.FX software. ( DownloadAfter installation issue following command into terminal window where we left after mosquitto installation
mosquitto_sub -d -t hello/world

Now open MQTT.FX and click on setting. Then enter IP address of your Pi and port address 1883 (by default) ( see pics below ). Click apply and connect

Connect Mosquitto Broker at Raspberry Pi IP Address

Publish Topic "hello/world" Payload "Test 123456789"

Mosquitto Broker received data.

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