วันเสาร์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Python Remote Development on Raspberry Pi with PyDev and Eclipse

Python Remote Development on Raspberry Pi

with PyDev and Eclipse

เขียน Python PyDev บน Raspberry Pi ด้วย Eclipse

Download and Install

Install Eclipse Python plugin

Open eclipse goto menu Help --> Install New Software

Install New Software
use Pydev Plug in Link "http://pydev.org/updates" then Next

New Software Plug in to install
Show "PyDev for Eclipse"  and Version  then Next

Installing  wait for a minute

When Install already
Goto Menu  Window --> Preferences
It show PyDev Menu
Now Install Plug-in Already ! after that need to config in Eclipse.

Configuration of Eclipse

Goto Menu  Window --> Preferences -- > PyDev --> Interpreters --> Python Interpreter
Then Click  New...

Browse your Python Interpreter Executable
Then OK

System Python Path OK

When PyDev  and Python path Ok.
Now need to Setup Remote System for connect eclipse to raspberry pi board.

RSE - Remote Systems Explorer

Goto menu Help --> Install New Software 
1 .Work with  change to All Available Sites
2. Use type filter text  = remote

Then Select General Purpose Tools
and Select  Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime
and Remote System Explorer User Actions
then Next to Install

Finish the installation and restart Eclipse.

Connect to Raspberry Pi
Goto Menu Window --> Open Perspective  -- > Other
Double click Remote System Explorer

Then Right Click on Local
and New -- > Connection

New Connection
Select SSH only

Remote SSH only System Connection
Host Name your Raspberry Pi IP Address

Now Connect and Remote to Raspberry Pi

So,you can open python file and write code in Raspberry Pi using eclipse

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1 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. Hi,
    Thank you for the clear tutorial! I succeeded to remotely run simple programs on my RasPi from my PC using Eclipse + PyDev. However, as soon as I’m using additional libraries (f.e. BiblioPixel/ManiacalLabs) I’m running into trouble: I’ve installed BiblioPixel on my RasPi and the method I found so far to make BiblioPixel ‘visible’ to Eclipse on my remote PC is to copy the whole BiblioPixel library over to my PC (in my case into the directory C:\Users\Thomas\.p2\pool\plugins\org.python.pydev.jython_5.9.2.201708151115\Lib\site-packages\). I don’t think that this is the correct method (I’m novice to remote development stuff) because this is causing platform/OS compatibility issues i.e. /dev/spidev0.0 (SPI I/F on RasPi) can’t be found on PC when running my program from remote PC/eclipse using ‘local’ BiblioPixel copied over to PC.
    My question: Is it possible to make the libs installed on RasPi ‘visible’ to my remote host PC and eclipse WITHOUT making a hard copy from RasPi to PC? Thank you in advance for your assistance!

    Kind regards,
