วันพุธที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562

Car Detection with Raspberry pi 4 + Intel Neural Compute Stick

Car Detection with Raspberry pi 4 + Intel Neural Compute Stick

System Requirements
  • Raspberry Pi 4B board or 3B+ 
  • 32GB microSD card
  • One of Intel® Movidius™ Visual Processing Units (VPU):
Intel® Movidius™ Neural Compute Stick or Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2

    Operating Systems:
    • Raspbian 10 ( Buster )
    • OpenVINO for Raspberry pi ( 2019.1.094 )
    • OpenCV 4.0.0
    • Python 3.7.3

    Machine Learning

    Model : SSD MobileNet V2

    Video Test
    MP4 960x540 Resolution

    Run Code

    Test 1 Raspberry pi 4B  NCS2

    Test 2 Raspberry pi 4B  NCS1

    Test 3 Raspberry pi 3B+  NCS2

    Test 4 Raspberry pi 3B+  NCS1 

    Test Result

    Raspberry Pi 4 vs Raspberry pi 3B+


    Install the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit for Raspbian* OS

    Pretrained Models

    Inference Engine Samples 

    OpenVINO, OpenCV, and Movidius NCS on the Raspberry Pi

    วันจันทร์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562

    Raspberry pi 4 TensorFlow Face Recognition

    Raspberry pi 4 TensorFlow Face Recognition

    Raspberry pi 4B - 1GB , Raspberry pi 3B+
    SD card 32 GB.

    Raspbien 10 ( buster )
    TensorFlow 1.13.1
    OpenCV 4.0.0
    Python 3.7.3

    Machine Learning 
    Model : Facenet Inception Resnet V1

    Source Code
    FaceRec.  A simple working facial recognition program.

    Recognition Dataset

    Run Code on Raspberry pi 4 , 3B+ in Image

    Recognise with no dataset

    Run Code on Macbook Pro 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 ( 2012 )


    FaceRec.  A simple working facial recognition program.

    Pretrained models from: https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet

    Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks

    Face recognition with OpenCV, Python, and deep learning

    วันเสาร์ที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562

    Raspberry pi4 Tensorflow object detection

    Raspberry pi 4 TensorFlow Object Detection

    On June 2019 Raspberry pi announce new version of raspberry pi board.
    Now we have a new raspberry pi 4 model B 1GB So try to run TensorFlow object detection and then compare with Raspberry pi3B+ also.

    Install TensorFlow on Raspberry pi4

    Add some dependency

    sudo pip3 install grpcio

    sudo pip3 install h5py

    Then Download tensorFlow

    sudo pip3 install tensorflow-1.13.1-cp37-none-linux_armv7l.whl

    Summary Software for test.
    Rasbien 10 ( Buster )
    Python 3.7.3
    OpenCV 4.0.0
    Tensorflow 1.13.1

    Run Tensorflow Object Detection

    Model SSDlite Mobilenet V2
    Video MP4 768x432 12 fps

    run on the same img os in same sd-card.

    Raspberry pi 4 is 2.xx fps .
    Raspberry pi 3 is less than 1 fps.

    So, only Raspberry pi Board is not faster enough for tensorFlow object detection application.
    Then next we use raspberry pi with intel neural compute stick for better performance.

    Raspberry pi 4 vs Raspberry pi3 specification

    My Website

    email : info@softpowergroup.net  ,amphancm@gmail.com  Tel .+6681-6452400